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Система Кибер-Безопасности Канады

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Канада — далеко не последнее государство в вопросах организации кибер-безопасности. Интересная статья опубликованная недавно, открывает нам глаза на систему кибер-безопасности этого государства:


Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre: Collects and shares information on latest cyber-security threats with government departments and private sector, and is responsible for coordinating the government’s response to private-sector IT security incidents. Housed inside Public Safety Canada.


Treasury Board Secretariat-Chief Information Officer Branch: Responsible for setting government-wide regulations and policies regarding IT security.


Communication Security Establishment Canada: Canada’s super-secretive cyber spy agency is responsible for protecting government systems from outside cyber-attacks. Housed inside the Department of National Defence.


Shared Services Canada: Oversees servers, data centres, email systems and telecommunication services to 43 federal government departments, including Canadian Heritage, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Health Canada, Public Safety Canada, and Environment Canada.


Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS): Collects information and intelligence on cyber-security threats and provides assessments to government agencies.


Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): Gathers, analyzes and shares information on cyber-crime and identity theft.


Departmental security officers: Responsible for disseminating security bulletins to staff and overseeing department-specific security issues (not those that have spread to shared IT). Example: Environment Canada security officials would oversee who is authorized to access secure research networks, such as outside scientists.

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