Loo Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 "Вот из-за таких людей, и идет о Техасе дурная слава" -(с) бородатый анекдот о конфликте в купе поезда. Нисколько не обидный, если кто не знает расскажу :о)) Тем не менее, статья в википедии гласит: Black Public Relations (BPR) or negative PR is a process of destroying someone's reputation and corporate identity. In other words, instead of concentrating your efforts in the maintenance and the creation of a positive reputation/ image of your clients, you are trying to discredit someone' else (usually your business rivals). Unlike the regular services in Public Relations, those in BPR relay on the development of industries such as IT security, industrial espionage, social engineering and competitive intelligence. Their main objective is finding all of the dirty secrets of their target and turning them against their very own holder. The building of a Black PR campaign, also known as a dirty tricks or a smear campaign is a long and a complex operation. Traditionally it starts with an extensive information gathering and follows the other needs of a precise competitive research. The gathered information is being used after that as a part of a greater strategical planning, aiming to destroy the relationship between the company and its stakeholders. The roots of Black PR could be found in recent Soviet history, when the used methods of propaganda were one of the few strongest pillars, upholding the old regime. The famous "агитации и пропагандьi" department at that time was responsible for the state management of human emotions and minds. People were expected to act, think and behave in a similar way; they needed to believe that beyond the iron curtain everything falls into viciousness, corruption and depravity. It was a hard task, but the Soviet leaders had successfully proved that it was the most effective and logical way of having control over the whole population, especially when you’re trying to unify more than a 150 million. Although, the persistent efforts of today have put an end to these old habits, Black PR is far from dying t is forcing its way to really high communication levels. The well-known manipulation techniques give up their places to much more complicated communication strategies and resources, which the common ethic would consider forbidden. In the past, the spreading of false information was easy to be checked and recognized, nowadays the line between fact and fiction is becoming more and more unclear and easier to be crossed. The Russian experts do not just have the power to conceal the truth, but to create their own, using every kind of means to achieve their goals. In the past few years, a new PR generation has been desperately tried to impose different patterns of professional behavior. They’re aiming to adapt the Russian reality into western ethical practices and adopt already existing approaches for dealing with the audience. However, any major improvements in this area are too early to be detected. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_PR Дык, кто там глав.спецы PR в мире-то? :о))) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
john644 Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 Дык, кто там глав.спецы PR в мире-то? :о))) Hазговаривают два друга, один у другого спрашивает: - Ты что больше любишь, коньяк или женщин? - Это зависит от года изготовления... Это я к тому, что тут можно вспомнить и фашисткую Германию, и Бисмарка и все глубже и глубже уходить в историю. Все новое хорошо забытое старое. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Искендер Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 Дык, кто там глав.спецы PR в мире-то? :о))) А были еще какие-то сомнения, уважаемый Лу? :-) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
Loo Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 Автор Поделиться Опубликовано 31 марта, 2008 /me ушел перекатом с линии атаки, прикинулся ветошью и прекратил отсвечивать :о)) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты More sharing options...
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