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Статья "Корпоративный блог: взгляд на «теневую сторону Луны»."

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А почему? Нормальная работа нормальной службы PR. Я не вижу разницы между наполнением контентом сайта и корпоративного блога. Выпустить один пост о "жизни компании, рынка и конкурентов" в два-три дня - проблема что ли?

Я как раз и говорю, что разницы между сайтом и блогом немного, и для среднего бизнеса проще вести сайт с форумом

Как правило, корпоративным блогом на практике и рулят маркетинг, PR и руководители компании.


А в малом бизнесе, по практике, сам владелец и ведет свой блог. Ему вообще никому платить не надо и ничего ни с кем не надо согласовывать. Так блог - это не самая сложная функция, которую он сам выполняет :)

Не знаю может мне не везло с владельцами малого бизнеса, но объяснить про PR им большая проблема. Так что у меня сложилось твердое убеждение, что если владелец, он же как правило директор, малого бизнеса возьмется за блог, то вреда будет больше чем пользы. Вот этого я в статье и не увидел. Как малому бизнесу вести блог. Это статья для среднего и крупного бизнеса. Но здесь как раз и нет разницы между форумом и блогом.(или это не отражено в статье)

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Я как раз и говорю, что разницы между сайтом и блогом немного, и для среднего бизнеса проще вести сайт с форумом


Как малому бизнесу вести блог. Это статья для среднего и крупного бизнеса. Но здесь как раз и нет разницы между форумом и блогом.(или это не отражено в статье)




брать отдельного человека в штат, который бы занимался данным вопросом, мелким бизнесменам не выгодно, а сами они могут не уметь это делать

пример с коллекторами, мой знакомый, который зарегин здесь и упоминался мной в теме про дебиторку Дима Ж*д*а*н*у*х*и*н, сопровождает штук пять мелких региональных коллекторских компаний, за оговореную абонентскую плату (вполне разумную), готовит для них определенное число новостей и пресс-релизов, а также помогает их разместить, плюс время от времени пишет для них статьи. Здесь можно действовать таким же образом, нанимается человек с хорошо подвешенным языком, который будет пару раз в неделю обновлять блог, ну и, по возможности, сообщать о новинках конкурентов.

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Я как раз и говорю, что разницы между сайтом и блогом немного, и для среднего бизнеса проще вести сайт с форумом


Не знаю может мне не везло с владельцами малого бизнеса, но объяснить про PR им большая проблема. Так что у меня сложилось твердое убеждение, что если владелец, он же как правило директор, малого бизнеса возьмется за блог, то вреда будет больше чем пользы. Вот этого я в статье и не увидел. Как малому бизнесу вести блог. Это статья для среднего и крупного бизнеса. Но здесь как раз и нет разницы между форумом и блогом.(или это не отражено в статье)

Взгляните, пожалуйста, я сделал своего рода эпиграф в самом начале статьи. Так становится понятнее?


Что касается форума и его сходства и отличия от блога, то эта тема уже достаточно хорошо раскрыта. Посмотрите, если интересно: "Слухи о смерти форумов сильно преувеличены"


В обсуждаемой же сейчас статье мы ставим задачу показать очень важный аспект применения корпоративного блога, о котором многие даже не задумываются. Возможно, описанное применение корпоративного блога - это САМАЯ важная причина, для чего компании надо заморачиваться корпоративным блогом. Поэтому и озаглавили статью таким образом.

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брать отдельного человека в штат, который бы занимался данным вопросом, мелким бизнесменам не выгодно, а сами они могут не уметь это делать

пример с коллекторами, мой знакомый, который зарегин здесь и упоминался мной в теме про дебиторку Дима Ж*д*а*н*у*х*и*н, сопровождает штук пять мелких региональных коллекторских компаний, за оговореную абонентскую плату (вполне разумную), готовит для них определенное число новостей и пресс-релизов, а также помогает их разместить, плюс время от времени пишет для них статьи. Здесь можно действовать таким же образом, нанимается человек с хорошо подвешенным языком, который будет пару раз в неделю обновлять блог, ну и, по возможности, сообщать о новинках конкурентов.

Так и есть.

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Пара публикаций, я думаю будет интересно :о))

10 simple rules for detecting Black PR attacks

published: March 9th, 2008

Detecting malicious identity attacks is one of the hardest tasks that many organizations face today. The reason why this is so is because most of the BPR attacks are products of extremely sophisticated campaigns (yes, some people actually do this) and relay on the availability of special professional skills such as ethical information gathering, slander proficiency and business intelligence. 47% of the corporate crisis are due to a conscious defamation and roughly about 70% of them are triggered by someone inside the organization. The main objectives of this type of offense is to spoil the credibility of the target in front of its stakeholders. The means, which can be used, are various and all of them are focusing on turning the unpleasant circumstances of the target against its very own corporate identity.


If you do not have the opportunities to hire professional security consultants or if you suspect that someone is deliberately trying to discredit you or your organization, here are some basic steps you can use in order to inspect your current reputation status:


Keep a good eye on your business rivals.

Have a good understanding of the SWOT trends of your competitor. Be aware what they are up to and what they are willing to achieve. Know their allies and managing practices. It is also a good idea to make an attachment to your risk assessment plan, showing how each security vulnerability could be related to some of your corporate enemies.


Monitor your company’s activities.

Do no wait for a crisis to happen just to realize that something is wrong with your organization. Try to be updated of every ongoing processes and conflicts affecting your business and people working with/for you . I mean everything - relationships, frictions, ideas, ambitions and so on. I know that this sounds too much in theory, but having as much as information as possible will always help you to respond promptly to any in/out-coming threats and more importantly to define the source of an information leakage, if it occurs.


Know the basic methodology of Black PR campaigns.

Usually BPR practitioners operate in two major ways - stealing information and behavior provocation. Spend some time to realize your own vulnerabilities and what kind of data is valuable to the attacker.


Check regularly your computer networks.

Information is the digital-age equivalent of gold. It is everything and it must be protected at all costs. But guess what? Computers, just like humans are vulnerable to attacks.


Performing regular security checks on your computer networks is a must as that will provide you with information about the potential ways hackers could get in and to what resources they may gain access to. In case your systems’ security perimeter has been compromised, hire a tiger team to perform a forensic analysis that will give you further insights on the damages. This information is essential for the anti-BPR campaign.


Relay on your own contacts.

Maintaining a good network of contacts is always helpful in the cases of malicious identity attacks. Spend some time investing in good professional relationships. Let your allays know that you appreciate on every type of information related to you or your organization. Don’t forget to pay them back with the same integrity.


Investigate every minor complaint.

One of the common tricks used by black-hat PRs is to submit a vast number of complaints in consumer complaint reports (both internal and public). If you find their claims false or a bit exaggerated, then try to prove the relationship between them or contact the users directly for more detailed information. There are lots of power tools out there (like Patvera), that can show you the relationship between emails, user names and other types of information.


Know your employees.

As I have mentioned above, most of cases of negative public relations are coming from inside the organization. Needless to say, it is important to know the people working for you, especially those having access to the most sensitive information in the company. Keep also in mind that the greatest risks are coming from those with a short-term contacts with the organization, such as cleaners, interns and office improvement staff.


Analyze the media coverage.

The idea here is to find out who stands behind the negative coverages, which your company is getting from. This could be a single person, a whole corporate entity or just someone who anonymously is trying to set you up. One of the easiest ways to find that is to analyze the sponsors/allies of the particular media or just to call to the editor’s office and ask how they got this information.


If the exposed information is not true you can either seek for injunction or sue for reputation damages. However if the story about you is correct, your next move should be to call urgently your crisis team and try to predict your rivals’ intentions.


Put little traps.

Here is and a little strategic game. If you wanna make sure that all of your problems are due to intended negative campaign, put a little baits over your networking systems and see who will fell into the trap. You can do this by posting a specific juicy information (it could be true or false, but definitely something that is not a threat to your business) in some of your internal applications. If this information is leaked after that, you can always check your networks and find the IP address of the intruder. Additional hacker/hi-tech tricks can also be used.


Personal BPR.

Here is the good news. Unlike corporate defamation, the negative personal attacks are easy to be detected. Their main aim is the personal reputation and involves all of the methods, which are valid for the other types of organizational violation.

Usually one the of the common signals for this is that the target suddenly becomes involved in many unpleasant situations.


Black Skills in Russian Hills

published: June 25th, 2007

Russia - a country impressive not only with its ample territory, but also with the ample number of associations which ring a bell in everyone’s mind. For some, it is just the land of pure vodka, cheap Kalashnikov and the bad guys from the famous James Bond movies. For others, it is a symbol of spoiled political regimes and unforgivably rich oligarchs. But for a little part of us, it is the country of something which the Marketing industry simply calls today “Black Public Relations”. This practice is totally illegal and does not follow any professional standard, it is acknowledged as one of the main communication policies in many in-house departments from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Even representatives of the biggest corporations in the oil business, frankly confess that they’re not afraid of buying editors and reporters, using “death agents” or spreading rumors and false information about their rivals. They also believe that this is the easiest and most effective way to get into the news agenda and reject every single attempt of international PR companies to impose their own frameworks and value systems. Perhaps, the silent war between the West and The East, between Capitalism and the little child of Communism were more than a competition of weapons and better ideology, it was all about the development of techniques for mass information and persuasion. So while we spend time here, talking about the meaning of Blogging and Social Networks, the other part of the globe seems very different- and it’s dressed in black!


For those who are not aware of the term ”BPR”, here is a little explanation. In simple words, instead of concentrating your efforts on the maintenance and creation of a positive reputation/ image to your clients, you are trying to discredit and destroy someone elses ( usually its/their rivals). The roots of BPR could be found in recent Soviet history, when the used methods of propaganda were one of the few strongest pillars, upholding the old regime. The famous “агитации и пропагандьi” department at that time was responsible for the state management of human emotions and minds. People were expected to act, think and behave in a similar way; they needed to believe that beyond the iron curtain everything falls into viciousness, corruption and depravity. It was a hard task, but the Soviet leaders had successfully proved that it was the most effective and logical way of having control over the whole population, especially when you’re trying to unify more than a 150 million.


Although, the persistent efforts of today have put an end to these old habits, Black PR is far from dying, it is forcing its way to really high communication levels. The well-known manipulation techniques give up their places to much more complicated communication strategies and resources, which the common ethic would consider forbidden. In the past, the spreading of false information was easy to be checked and recognized , nowadays the line between fact and fiction is becoming more and more unclear and easier to be crossed. The Russian experts do not just have the power to conceal the truth, but to create their own, using every kind of means to achieve their goals. While ordinary corporate PR is trying to do this through coordinating its approaches with the progress of the New media and fashion technologies, those in Moscow rely on the development of industries such as industrial espionage, IT security and social engineering.


In the past few years, the new PR generation has desperately tried to impose different patterns of professional behavior. They’re aiming to adapt the Russian reality into western ethical practices and adopt already existing approaches for dealing with the audience. Terms like internal communications, public affairs, investor relations and crisis management are quite new to the community and clearing their path as normal professional standards. As for the realization of this movement, it is still too early to be discussed, especially in a country where the government can’t stop using the mass media as its own instrument and refusing to tolerate different points of view.



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